Acupuncture and Pain Management
Michelle Stead is our qualified Acupuncturist.
Michelle and Tara both have a very keen interest in keeping our pets as comfortable as possible. We are very lucky due to the mobile veterinary service we can run Acupuncture and Pain Clinics in your and your pets home. This is key in helping us to establish your pets best needs.
Acupuncture aids healing by stimulating points along meridians of energy that traverse the body; it is often extremely helpful in aiding pain relief and reducing inflammation. This is especially useful if your pet cannot tolerate the side effects of some conventional drugs.
Mercury Vets also has a modern Class 4 laser therapy unit which provides a totally pain-free way of speeding up healing, reducing inflammation and aiding pain relief. Alison and the nurses are experienced in using this new technique for numerous conditions; we now offer laser therapy as an aid to pain relief after some surgical operations.
One of our interests is the care of the elderly patient. Pets have given their owners many years of love and enjoyment and so they deserve the best care and attention in their twilight years. Don’t just think “oh, it’s because they’re getting old” – dogs and cats are often in considerable discomfort due to arthritic changes in their joints and there are now so many treatments available.
We work in conjunction with a very experienced veterinary (ACPAT) physiotherapist with access to a hydrotherapy treadmill to give pain relief and improve the quality of life for your elderly pets.