
We have a designated mobile x-ray unit
BVA/KC Health schemes.
We offer a mobile radiographic service as part of the BVA/KC canine health scheme. We x-ray your dog’s hips ,and elbows if required , and the digital radiographs are sent to the BVA for scoring by a team of independent orthopaedic specialists.
We use a fast-acting , safe and reversible sedation protocol rather than a general anaesthetic; so your dog is only away from you for 10-15 minutes. We have a vet and a veterinary nurse with your dog in the unit at all times.
Hip and elbow radiographs are scored on faults – the lower the score the better the conformation. The BVA advise only to breed from dogs with a hip score below the breed average, and with a zero elbow score. More details can be found on the BVA / KC website.
We are happy to travel a little further if we can book a day at one premises with 6 or more dogs, please call our office for more information on our x-ray days.
Please call our office for all price enquiries.
Please check the BVA website for their charges, these payments will need to be paid to them directly, Please check the BVA website for the details.
All kennel club paper work will be required
Other X-Rays
We can also x-ray bitches in the last week of pregnancy to advise on the number of puppies to be expected.
Other radiographs in dogs and cats can be performed on an individual basis according to your pet’s needs. As part of our geriatric clinics we often advise radiography to establish the extent of arthritis in the body as an aid to the best management regimes.
Contact us to make an appointment
For all appointments please call our office on
01626 832 444 or 07703 988 387
during 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday.
Email and Facebook enquiries will be answered within 24hrs.
If an appointment is required please call the office direct.
In an absolute emergency you can contact Milestone Vets direct on 01626 331977
As a static practice they may be unable to provide visits out-of-hours.
Please note we do not offer consultations via email.